Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Gall Bladder Surgery is Very Useful

With the unhealthy diet and bad living environment, a growing number of people has gallbladder diseases. Gallbladder stores and concentrates liver bile and transports the bile to the duodenum to help fat digestion and is on the right side of the abdomen, below the liver. However, Gall Bladder Surgery is an effective way to treat this disease. Most of the patients choose this surgery to return healthy. If patients decide to get the surgery, they should pay more attention to some points.

Choose Easily-digested Food

Before the surgery, the patients can increase the protein-rich food to meet the needs of the human metabolism, such as aquatic products, lean meat and bean products; foods rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and more. Anyway, a regular eating habit and more meals a day but less food at each should be set to adapt to the physiological change after surgery. The patients should continue to maintain a low-fat, low-cholesterol, high-protein diet structure, that is to say, try not to eat the brain, liver, kidney, fish and fried food, and avoid alcohol, which can affect liver function or resulting in bile duct, when it is time to return to normal diet.

Pay Attention to Mental Health

The anger, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions can be affecting the recovery of the bile duct compensatory function. The patients should maintain emotional stability, optimistic and open-minded to prevent the regulatory function of the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous disorder.
Finally, due to facilitate the recovery of body functions, the patients should take an appropriate amount of physical exercises and light work. It is necessary to have a periodic review of prescribed medication and referral to the hospital regularly. In a word, the condition can lead to jaundice, the patient get surgery and take drugs under the guidance of a doctor.

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