The gastric or stomach cancer is one of the top 10 most common cancers among adults in Singapore. Indubitability,the colorectal cancer is malignant tumor which is the cell in the colon or rectum, or in the appendix develops without control. The tumor arises from the inner wall of the large intestine. It can invade nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body.
As a matter of fact, the best solution is to receive the Colorectal Cancer Screening that can found out benign polyps which develops into cancer, so that it can avoid a life threat. The Colorectal Cancer Screening aims to investigate the symptoms of gastric cancer, which is the examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (first part of the small intestine) by means of a long, flexible and a steerable tube with a light and a camera. And then the doctors to pass through small instruments to take biopsies. Nowadays, there are several tests that can find both colorectal polyps and cancer such as flexible sigmoidoscopy. In addition, the gastroscopy examination is to check out the gastric cancer.
Beyond that some people with the colorectal cancer will face some symptoms, including blood in the stool, worsening constipation, weight loss, fever, loss of appetite, and nausea or vomiting in someone over 50 years old. In some cases, the patients may undergo lose flesh and change in bowel habit. Generally speaking, the colorectal cancer can be caused by older age, male gender, high intake of fat, alcohol or red meat, obesity, smoking and a lack of physical exercise. It is known that early detection of colorectal cancer can save lives. More people should pay more attention to all cancer conditions and do Colonscopy to prevent colorectal cancer in advance.
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